Sewer Ordinance Prohibits “Flushable Wipes”

January 19, 2019

The flushing of products labeled as “flushable wipes” is in violation of the town of Avilla’s Sewer Use Ordinance, and residents of the town of Avilla are prohibited from the flushing of such products.

Residents found in violation of the Sewer Use Ordinance may be subjected to a fine of $200.00 per month, and continued violations may result in a sewage rate increase for all residents.

As a result of failure to follow the town of Avilla’s current ordinances the town has seen an increase in repair, replacement, and downtime of various sewage equipment. In an effort to reduce cost and minimize the financial burden on all Avilla residents, the town is actively investigating and enforcing ordinances related to flushing any products and items that can be reasonably expected to damage the system.

The town will also be working with the local elementary schools to implement an education initiative regarding proper and improper toilet and sewage use. Any questions regarding these topics should be forwarded to Brian Carroll.

Last modified: January 30, 2024

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